We started out the day with a Teach-In. Electric Vehicle Club showcased their cool cars. The "Sparrow" got a lot of attention.
We showed Kilowatt Ours, a film about solutions to America's energy related problems. We had four workshops: The Impact of Climate Change on Human Communities (David Tan and Sonja Ebron; Reducing Your Energy Consumption (Allison A. Bailes, III and Debbie Moll); An Interfaith Response to Global Warming (Alan Jenkins and Jennifer Downs); and Transportation in Metro Atlanta (Anna Cherry, Emory McClinton, and Ryan Gravel).
We also had tables on the veranda that showcased organizations concerned about climate change.
Workshop Participants ask Congress to Step It Up and reduce emissions 80% by 2050!
We rallied in front of the Martin Luther King Chapel-where the National Champions Graves Hall Step Team stepped it up!
MC "T.L." Gray holds the mic.
Longtime Activiest Bob Goodman makes his point.
State Representative Brian Thomas explained to us that politicians will respond to our pressure--they want to be reelected, after all! Step one? Register to vote!
Cynthia Hewitt spoke of the relationship of Global Warming to Social Justice issues.

NaTaki Osborne called on us to be an inclusive movement and take action.
About 150 people showed up to tell Congress to Step It Up. (Unfortunately we were competing with an Obama rally that drew 20,000.)
The Grave's Hall Step Team pumped us up with a final performance:
NaTaki Osborne called on us to be an inclusive movement and take action.
Afterwards participants went to the Dogwood Festival and spread the message about climate change!
Thank you volunteers, the steering committee, and sponsoring organizations. For more information about the emerging Climate Coalition, stay tuned to www.stepitupatlanta.org.