Saturday, July 09, 2005

communities in action

This article, "Preparing for a Hard Landing", is a wonderful example of what you can do locally. It tells of "economic localization gatherings" that have been springing up when activists present a screening of the documentary The End of Suburbia.

Like many people, this film was my introduction to Peak Oil and the problems that we are facing. It is very compelling, but there is a problem--As one activist warns: "you have to create a sense of urgency without also creating panic or paralysis."

However the possibility of mobilizing communities to form committees "to research and plan how [to] survive in the absence of oil and its cheaply transported goods" is worth the risk.

One city (Willits, CA) has put its plans online.
The primary objectives of the Willits Economic Localization project are 1) to determine current resource use in the community of Willits, California (energy,
transportation, food, housing, etc.), 2) to determine how that community can reduce its consumption of those resources imported, 3) to determine local resources that can replace those imported from outside the community and 4) to implement this transition towards a localized economy.
Their committees and speakers have covered topics such as:
  • area energy inventory
  • biointensive garden plan
  • CSA (community supported agriculture)
  • alternatives to commercial utility power

They have also made an inventory of skills to teach and skills to learn--with the realization that they will have to go outside of the community to learn new ones.

I hope to be helping a friend set up a screening in her town. It is not a progressive region, like California, so we don't know what obstacles we are facing. But I will be keeping you posted.


unplanner said...

It is not a progressive
region, like California...

If only all parts of Coddyfonya were so progressive. If they were, I wouldnt be trying to leave this place. Generally the only worthwhile part of this state is from the bay area on northward, excluding the Central Valley region.

Liz Logan said...

So true! My perspective of CA is skewed by growing up in the People's Republic of Berkeley.

Anonymous said...

Living in So. CA, I have been perusing the net on communities (mainly in No. CA)that are discussing the Peak Oil issues/sustainability, et al-
Richard Heinberg (as you are probably aware)of Santa Rosa, CA has published a massive amount of information on Peak Oil and sustainability issues. I am polishing some of my practical skills I learned decades ago

Liz Logan said...

Hi Devin,

I should put some links to his work up. Thanks for the idea! Good luck with your preparations.